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Back to School Supply Drive

Moscow Tattoo Company

Moscow Idaho School Supply Drive

Do you love tattoos AND an opportunity for supporting your local community? We do at Moscow Tattoo Company and are excited to invite you to share in a mission that weds these two passions!

We have combined our love for the community and tattooing to help support our local youth. We are hosting a back to school supply drive from 08/01/2018 to 08/27/2018. Please help us in relieving some of the back-to-school stress and worry for local families in need!

We have compiled a general list of needed school supplies below. Bring in at least one of each item on the list (in total 20) and you will receive 20% off your booked tattoo appointment (with deposit). You will receive 10% off your booked appointment if you bring in at least 10 different supplies. *Supplies must be new/unused. *OFFER ENDS 08/27/2018*

Items can be dropped off at our tattoo studio on 317 W.6th Street, Suite #108, Moscow, ID.

Please see the list of school supplies below.

Back to School Supply List:

*Backpack *Spiral notebook

*Crayons (24 pack Crayola) *Lined paper

*Elmer's glue *1" 3 ring binder

*Bottom pocket folders *Scissors

*Pearl pink erasers *Pencil Sharpener

*Colored pencils *Calculator (inexpensive)

*Markers (Crayola) *Low order dry erase markers

*Primary Composition Book (Black & White) *Tissues

*Solid wood #2 pencils *Hand sanitizer

*Zipped pencil pouch *Snacks (i.e. crackers)

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1404 S. Blaine St., Moscow, ID 83843

(p) 208-301-5093
Hours: Open 7 Days a Week, 11am-7pm 

©Copyright 2018. Moscow Tattoo Company. All Rights Reserved.

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